I am 84 with an enlarged prostate which caused urinary retention and a bladder infection. Avodart has been shrinking it prior to a procedure using a laser (laserscope.com). I refused to take the antibiotic CIPRO. Would Candida-G and Flora-G work to eliminate the infection now and prevent an infection after the surgical procedure without antibiotic therapy that I would like to avoid. Are MDs currently using your products instead of antibiotic therapy?
It would be helpful to refer their experience to my urologist. I am currently using Triple Complex UT Tonic from nativeremedies.com. but always seeking a better product.
Albert Hi Albert, I suggest you read: //www.road-to-health.com/can-heat-increase-immune-system/ In my opinion you have a low grade infection and your body is not noticing.
The Thermo Therapy Unit would be my choice for solving your problem. It will alert your own body’s defences to resolve the enlarged prostate and the infection. Buy it ASAP.
My Dad has been using one for 5+ years (he is 82) Dale A medical Doctor would lose his/her licence should he/she use “Are MDs currently using your products instead of antibiotic therapy?” instead of a drug. SO NO.