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Hi Chris,

Thanks for the information.

There is quite abit of information you can gleen from the many online article reprints with Gonzalez from many sources.  Here’s some facts that I can state are accurate from him.  He said I would be taking upwards of 180 capsule/tablets per day as well as follow a diet personalized for my metabolic type and illness.  He did not break that down the 180 tabs categorically to me in person, but in one article he states that he utilizes organic freeze-dried Pancreatic enzymes from New Zealand and Australia bovine sources, and the daily amounts would be 45 grams.  After the intitial consultation fee of $3600, the amount he said all the enzymes and other supplements (the 180 tabs daily) would cost for me to buy, being a maximum-dose case of stage 4 lung cancer, of $750 per month.  The $3600 also included any follow-up phone consultation later on, but not in-office visits which would be $200 a shot.  Here’s a link to his website page on this — //

He did say that he and partner, ex-wife Dr. Isaacs, had developed over the years their perfected form of pancreatic enzymes, and that no one else had them, and that he would not let anyone know how to get them outside of being his patient……So of course after his rejection of me as patient, I’ve search high and low, even for an ex-patient of his to find the source, but with no luck.  I just assumed that perhaps it was from you with the Kelley connection as he had, but your protocol price as I recall is much higher than $750 a month, correct?  And his price was for all the supplements plus the enzymes.


Kelley enzymes 235 for 360 caps of 1g each


Lets fo the math Gonzales uses on 45 grams per day

Kelly uses 72 grams per day

Looks to me like the cost per gram is about the same. So Kelleys program cost the same per gram but uses more enzymes. So your $ cost is more.

I have not personally spoken with people who recovered 10 20 and 30 years ago using Gonzalez.

I have talked on the phone with 100’s of people who followed Kelley’s program and are still going strong.




Here is the whole email from Chris:

Thanks so much again for your time.  This is what I know about Nick Gonzalez.  You didn’t state whether you are familiar with his practice and past work with Kelley, I just assumed you did, so I also supposed you would be somewhat familiar with his protocol, which I describe as being the “third generation” manifestation following Beard then Kelley.  Firstly, he never “sent” me any info at all.  He expects prospective patients to totally absorb his entire website which is quite lengthy.  Then he asks you to send in a free-form letter of intent covering about twenty points from current diet to spirtual outlook to family support, willingness to adapt/change, etc., that he outlines on the website.  Here’s the link for “How to become a patient”  //

There is quite abit of information you can gleen from the many online article reprints with Gonzalez from many sources.  Here’s some facts that I can state are accurate from him.  He said I would be taking upwards of 180 capsule/tablets per day as well as follow a diet personalized for my metabolic type and illness.  He did not break that down the 180 tabs categorically to me in person, but in one article he states that he utilizes organic freeze-dried Pancreatic enzymes from New Zealand and Australia bovine sources, and the daily amounts would be 45 grams.  After the intitial consultation fee of $3600, the amount he said all the enzymes and other supplements (the 180 tabs daily) would cost for me to buy, being a maximum-dose case of stage 4 lung cancer, of $750 per month.  The $3600 also included any follow-up phone consultation later on, but not in-office visits which would be $200 a shot.  Here’s a link to his website page on this — //

He did say that he and partner, ex-wife Dr. Isaacs, had developed over the years their perfected form of pancreatic enzymes, and that no one else had them, and that he would not let anyone know how to get them outside of being his patient……So of course after his rejection of me as patient, I’ve search high and low, even for an ex-patient of his to find the source, but with no luck.  I just assumed that perhaps it was from you with the Kelley connection as he had, but your protocol price as I recall is much higher than $750 a month, correct?  And his price was for all the supplements plus the enzymes.

Again, I would really appreciate at least some short answers to the questions I posed to you before.

1. — Why is there so little information on your website about your products.  I’ve never seen a site with virutally no product information like yours.  Is there some place I’ve missed that gives the make-up of your enzymes for example?

2. — Am I even in the ballpark of helping my cancer with a product like the Rainrock Nutrionals Omnizyme Forte which is pH balanced enteric coated caplets with Pancreatin (4X) 313 mg, Trypsin 125 mg, Chymotripsin 45 mg, Papain 150 mg, Bromelain 150 mg, Lipase 50 mg, Amylase 50 mg, Rutin 100 mg, Raw calf thymus 55 mg, Zinc gluconate 1 mg, Super oxide dismutase 50 mcg, catalase 200 units, and L-glutithione 10 mg.  (andd I double checked, that’s for ONE caplet).  I paid $120 for a 400 caplet bottle of these from Rainrock

I couldn’t find any other maker with even close to those levels of Trypsin and ChymoTrypsin, not even the touted Wobe-Mugos from Germany.  Everyone’s seem to have 25 mg of Trypsin and 1 mg of Chymo, even Wobenzyme N….why is that??

As to your question for me,  I would certainly be interested in some kind of program to implement Kelley’s program, but why do you think Gonzalez is so hyper paranoid about giving out similar information, or even the barest of helpful info, considering the life-threatoning status of most people who come to him…it can’t be for money, as he says he gets 50 calls a day from prospective patients begging him to take them in, and operates out of the highest rent spot in the world.  Personally, I’m now out of work, surviving on SSI of only subsistence payments (with help from three wonderful siblings when I need it), and have state of Maine insurance which of course covers nothing but standard oncology, so have been fighting my battle completely alone.

Thank God my attitude is pristine, I’m square with my Maker, and have a lifetime background of researching alternate diets and therapies as well as being very internet saavy.  My latest chest CT shows no growth or shrinkage, but a [mysterious to my oncologist] “lessening of the congruent structure” of the one tumor mass (which is about 10 cm in size) in my right lung. I read that as hopefully a breaking up due to the enzymes, and I am doing twice daily coffee enemas as well, and eating no sugar and very limited carbs but for veges. It originally was matasticized to my brain only, and they feel those were killed by radiation I did the first month.  Also did Taxol and Carboplatin chemo for about five sessions over 6 weeks which I weathered with no bad side effects (owing to zero sugar and raw yogurt I think).  I am in otherwise great shape, am 49, and am told by doctors I’m the healthiest cancer patient they’ve ever seen, so I’m very keen to beat this minor obstacle in my eternal life…

Thanks Dale, take care, Chris B


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