Lyme Disease
An inflammatory disease caused by the spirochete borrelia burgdorferi,* transmitted by ticks and characterized initially by a rash followed by flu-like symptoms including fever, joint pain, and headache; if untreated, it can result in chronic arthritis and nerve and heart dysfunction.
*borrelia burgdorferi – A parasite causing Lyme disease in humans.
*spirochete – Any of various slender, spiral, motile bacteria of the order Spirochaetales, many of which are pathogenic.
- Boron – 2 tBL
- Calcium – 2 TBL – 2 or 3 times a day
- Chromium – 2 TBL
- Copper – 2 TBL (with food)
- EPN – 1 TBL
- Germanium – 1-2 tsp.
- Magnesium – 2 TBL
- Manganese – 2 TBL
- Molybdenum – 1 TBL
- Potassium – 2 tsp.
- Selenium – 1 tsp.
- Silver – 3 TBL twice daily
- Sulfur – 2 TBL
- WOL – 2 TBL
- Zinc – 2 TBL – 3 times a day
- MSM – as directed
- WaterOz Body Alkalizer – 2 drops in 8-10 oz. water 4-6 times a day
- Stabilized Oxygen – as directed
- Vitamin B-Complex – 6000-10,000 mg. daily
- Vitamin B-2 – as directed
- Vitamin B-6 – as directed
- Vitamin C Ascorbate – 1,000 mg. daily
- Flora-G Plus, 120 capsules
Herbal Therapy: Milk Thistle, Burdock. Pycnogenol and an Aloe Vera drink mixture should be taken daily.
Diet Change: Eat a diet high in fiber and eliminate sugars.
Daily exercise is a must. Go to bed earlier and do not oversleep.