My knee began to hurt on November 11th. But it wasn’t because of anything physical that I did. It turns out I was hurting it by drinking Hippocrates soup!
This is how I figured out it was due to drinking Hippocrates soup:
On August 4th my friend, Elizabeth, started buying from me my homemade green soup and Hippocrates soup, which I have been making and drinking since I began the Fast Diet in March.
Then, on August 25th, Elizabeth told me she just wanted the green soup because she is allergic or something to night shade vegetables and the Hippocrates soup is mostly night shades (tomatoes and potatoes).
As November went by with no improvement in my knee I was wracking my brain about what on earth could be causing my knee pain. I could hardly bend my right knee without excruciating pain and had to go up and down steps one step at a time. I was limping when I walked and getting down on the bathroom floor for my daily coffee enema was a real challenge.
Then, last Saturday, December 7th, I was visiting with Elizabeth and, just to make conversation, I asked her what her sensitivity to night shade vegetables was exactly. She said it gave her joint pain.
I thought, My God, I’ve been drinking 8 ounces of night shade vegetable soup (Hippocrates soup) daily for nine months! Could that be why my knee is so sore?
I thanked her for telling me and said I was going to stop drinking it to see if helped my knee.
Elizabeth was certain it would and she was right! As soon as I stopped drinking it (I had already had my 8 ounces that Saturday) my knee gradually got better and today, Sunday December 15, 2013, my knee is back to normal.
There’s a good write-up about night shade vegetables at:
Needless to say, I will no longer be making or drinking Hippocrates soup.