You might not be aware that we have been researching and writing about alternative health since 1991 – and publishing on the internet since 1995. We have content on many sites, and we want to help you find your answers.
Here are two ways can help you find your answers:
One: We have put up a two question survey, click over:
Answer our quick questions about your health concerns and we will send you to your answers immediately if we have already done the reseach.
Otherwise, we will ask you for a specific question so we can answer your question.
(You will be helping us to measure the interest in different topics so we can research and produce more web content for you.)
Two: If you do not find your topic on the survey – or if you have a specific question, then click over:
Read previous answers to questions on our blog: //
Thank you,
Dale and Bonnie
Three (bonus option): A list of some of our web sites:
Disclaimer: We provide absolutely no medical advice – we only share anecdotal observations. Our understanding of US Federal "law" is (and we must advise you) that only licensed medical professionals should be contacted for any/all health issues.