Candida overgrowth is commonly the result of one or more of the following:
- Pharmaceutical usage
- Incomplete Digestion
- Over Eating
- Chemical Exposure
Solution will need to include the following:
- Reduce and simplify the intake of food
- Reduce the consumption of known contributors to candida (sugar, white flour products, and more)
- Consider a Vitamix to break down the fiber in food to improve the availability of the nutrients while reducing the ‘fuel’ that empowers the Candida growth
Supplements to assist
- Betaine HCL (Boost Stomach Acid)
- Pancreatic Enzymes to digest in small intestines
- Flora-G and Candida-G (Specific Probiotics to overwhelm candida)
If you would like a short consult please use the form below to request (first 15 minutes free)